
Publications Archive

Sudan_Seasonal_Monitor_July 2011

SIFSIA Northern Sudan, Sudan Meteorological Authority- Agromet Division and Food Security Technical Secretariat
June shows below average amounts in all states of the country. The cumulative of rainfall till June was on average and below average in all states in the country. In mid-June the rainfall was confined to the eastern part of Gedaref, Sennar state, and southern Kordufan, with below average amounts. During early July, rainfall amounts were registered in, the Southern Kordufan Southern and Western Darfur, Blue Nile, Gedarif, and Sennar state. Above average rainfall in south of southern Darfur and Western Darfur (Nyala). SMA updated its seasonal forecast for the rainfall for June-July-August-September (JJAS) 2011 (Fig 5) for the coming three months, July, August and September. According to this forecast, JJAS rainfall is expected to be..........................

Sudan Monthly Market Update - June 2011

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
Sorghum prices have been steadily decreasing since July – August 2010, though continued to be well above the five year average. The current trends (stability or decrease) are abnormal as sorghum price increases are expected at this time of the year... more


SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
The overall objective of the warehouse study is to provide information that help in understanding the role of large-scale warehouse facilities on market mechanisms and also how they could be used for strategic planning purposes. The information provided will strengthen policy decisions and improve their understanding of the complexities associated with current cereal/grain warehouses along the supply chain.....

Food Security in the White Nile State of Sudan

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
Food insecurity situation in the White Nile State is addressed via outcomes of a household survey conducted in the State in 2010 supported by available secondary information to understand underlying causes and glean policies that might reduce food insecurity. Food insecurity measures of incidence, depth, and severity are analyzed along with interconnected economic and social variables. Information at the state level reveals variable per capita cereal production dominated by sorghum, substantial contribution of livestock and unstable food availability. Volatile and declining productivity and frequent crop failures are sources of risks with a series of consequences on food security; calling for appropriate actions at household and State level to address overall cereals supply.

Food Security Policy brief june 2011

Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS) at Southern Sudan Center for Cencus, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE)
The return of hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese in anticipation of independence of Southern Sudan affect the food and livelihood security situation of both the resident community and the returnees. This massive influx has caused severe shortages of food and social services that include water, shelter, and health care. Access to affordable food is proving difficult for returnees and the resident community. As demand for resources increase, the prices of food commodities such as cereals have risen sharply...............

Sudan_Seasonal_Monitor_June 2011

SIFSIA Northern Sudan, Sudan Meteorological Authority- Agromet Division and Food Security Technical Secretariat
July-August-September (JAS) is the crucial period for most crops in Sudan, in particular for the northern regions. Forecasts for JAS rainfall have been prepared in May and June by a variety of sources. SMA published its seasonal forecast for the rainfall for June-July-August-September (JJAS) 2011. According to this forecast, JJAS rainfall is expected to be...........


Professor Hamid Faki in collaboration with SIFSIA-N and the Food Security Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture.
This policy brief is one of a series of briefs designed to better inform decision makers in Sudan of emerging food security related issues. It also helps to improve understanding of food security issues in Sudan...........


National Nutrition Program, National Ministry of Health
In response to the complex nutrition situation in Sudan, the national nutrition program within the national ministry of health leads a wide range of activities to ensure timely identification, prevention and treatment of malnutrition, with support and collaboration from partners. The National Nutrition Program (NNP) is delighted to be releasing this second issue of the national nutrition bulletin where you will find information on the major programme activities being implemented across the country during the first quarter of this year .
EU Commissioner Visit FSTS.pdf

EU Commissioner Visit to FSTS

The European Union (EU) Commissioner for Development, Mr Andris Piebalgs, visited the FSTS at the SSCCSE on Saturday 14 May 2011. The FSTS is a programme supported by the EU to support food security information management in South Sudan. The Commissioner was accompanied by the GOSS MAF, H.E Dr Anne Itto Leonardo, FAO Head of Office Dr George Okech and EU offices in Khartoum and Juba, including some members of the local and international media.

Marketing Costs and Margins

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Food Security Technical Secretariat - Ministry of Agriculture
The purpose of this study is to develop an overall framework for improving market performance and describes how the marketing costs and margins influence the value chains for selected agricultural commodities with particular focus on crop markets. Improving market communication and market information systems as well as reduction in transport costs, increase storage capacity, and improvement in handling means will improve the marketing margins, reduce transaction costs and hence leads to improved market efficiency.