مركز الاستثمار

RuralInvest - a multilingual toolkit


RuralInvest was created 15 years ago to assist countries in designing successful projects for rural development. Aidan Gulliver, Senior Economist, illustrates how FAO’s Investment Centre has developed a multilingual toolkit with training courses, manuals and custom developed software  primarily targeted for field staff from ministries of agriculture, NGOs, local banks and private sector entities. RuralInvest can be used for both income-generating activities and social investments and has proven successful in projects in Africa, Latin American and the Middle East.  Recently the guides were also produced in Russian to assist Central Asian countries as well.

Related Links

RuralInvest website: http://www.fao.org/tc/tci/ourrole/ruralinvest/en/ 

Informational brochure: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/tci/pdf/RuralInvestBrochure_en.pdf

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