مركز الاستثمار

Initiative in Support to NEPAD-CAADP Implementation

Since end 2003, the Investment Centre has been providing assistance to 51 African countries through FAO's Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) in support of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). The objective is to help foster agricultural growth and rural development under the priorities of the NEPAD's Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). The first outputs of this initiative have included the development of National Medium-Term Investment Programmes and Bankable Investment Project Profiles for each recipient country. Currently, the project profiles proposed represent an estimated total of some US$6.7 billion that is needed for investment in Africa over the next 5 years. These documents and further details on the initiative are now available on a dedicated web page hosted within the web site of the FAO Policy Assistance Division, which is the FAO unit responsible for overall coordination of assistance to NEPAD.

More information at : http://www.fao.org/tc/Tca/nepad/caadp_en.asp