FAO Investment Centre

Kick starting agriculture in post-crisis Togo


FAO supports country with CAADP processes

 The FAO Investment Centre is supporting the Government of Togo’s efforts to revitalize its agricultural sector, which was hit hard by years of unrest. Working closely with national and international partners, including the World Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), FAO has assisted the West African countries with its Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) processes, including sectoral planning, resource mobilization, investment planning and capacity development.

FAO supported the Togo’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in developing and implementing its national agricultural and food security investment plan (PNIASA). This entailed, among other things, helping to organize a Round Table in 2009 that led to the signing of a CAADP compact, developing a multi-donor CAADP-based investment programme and preparing three multi-donors funded projects: Agricultural Development Support Project in Togo (PADAT), Agricultural Sector Support Project (PASA) and the West African agriculture productivity program (WAAPP).

Donors involved include:

Watch as Amadou Oury Diallo, Senior Rural Institutions Specialist, discusses FAO’s role in providing support to Togo: interview ( in French language)

Click here, for more information on the initiative.