Centro de inversiones de la FAO

Study tour on the geographical indication system in the EU for Macedonian wine producers, 4-10 December 2011


 The study tour was organized from 4 to 10 December 2011 in Côtes du Rhône, France, in the context of an FAO/EBRD project supporting the development of Macedonia’s wine sector. The purpose of the tour was to get a group of selected Macedonian wineries acquainted with GI systems in the EU.

The Macedonian delegation was composed of representatives from the Macedonian Ministry of Agriculture, the Oenology Faculty of the University of Skopje, the Wines of Macedonia association and nine leading Macedonian wineries. The main topics of the study tour were: (i) the organization of the public institutions involved in the approval and modifications of GIs; (ii) the various levels of GI protection; (iii) the organization of producers in associations to promote and protect GIs; and (iv) the use of GIs for marketing/promotion purposes. The organization of wine-making cooperatives was also presented to the participants. For more information, have a look at the study tour slide show and documentation.