Centre d'investissement de la FAO

Roundtable draws key Kazakh dairy stakeholders


Introducing state-of-the-art information systems in Kazakhstan’s dairy industry, like the Collect Mobile application for milk processors, was one of the main topics discussed during a roundtable in the country’s capital, Astana, on 29 September 2017. The event was organized by the Dairy Union of Kazakhstan and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, with support from FAO and the EBRD.

Seventy delegates from 16 Kazakh provinces, including senior officials from the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan and domestic dairy producers, attended the roundtable, discussing the latest achievements, opportunities and pressing issues in the dairy sector.

FAO and the EBRD shared the implementation results of a joint sector promotion project in Kazakhstan. The study provided an in-depth sector analysis of the production of high added-value dairy products and the introduction of modern digital solutions, like geographic information systems, across all dairy enterprises in the country.

Progress along this path, together with support for small and medium-sized farms, is key to the sector’s sustainable growth and competitiveness, according to the study.

Experts from FAO and the Dairy Union spoke of the importance of introducing a new milk supply and collection system, with an emphasis on the quality of raw milk and associated products.

“Transparent and accurate information on the raw milk supply chain will facilitate investments and promote better policy dialogue in Kazakhstan’s dairy sector,” said Victoria Zinchuk, Head of Agribusiness Advisory at the EBRD.

“A steady and predictable flow of high quality milk will give companies incentives to upgrade their facilities and expand their operations. Farmers will also be more inclined to modernize their facilities and improve their grazing lands and milk production practices if the market is more reliable,” she added.

Inna Punda, Agribusiness Specialist in FAO, said that the roundtable provided answers on a number of priority issues surrounding milk collection in a country as big as Kazakhstan.

“Satellite images and various digital solutions, to name a few, are now at the disposal of milk processing companies,” she said. “These technologies can help them make the right decisions, which can have an immediate impact on the quality of milk. The Collect Mobile application, which we presented, could be a one-stop shop for them.”

Anna Sapargazinova, Co-Chair of the Dairy Union of Kazakhstan, added that today “it is vital for producers and the government to join efforts to ensure better quality and safety of Kazakh dairy products, which should become more competitive, both internally and externally.”

To date, the EBRD has invested €7.3 billion in various sectors of Kazakhstan’s economy, with a focus on non-oil and gas sectors, where it is the largest institutional investor. 


Related article: Simple IT solution for bottlenecks in Kazakhstan’s dairy industry

Photo credit: © EBRD.