Centre d'investissement de la FAO

Grain warehouse receipts in Serbia


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Developmnet (EBRD) and FAO have been assisting grain warehouse systems in many transition countries including Kazakhstan and Bulgaria. In Serbia, the establishment of the core legislation was initially supported by USAID and the United Nations Development Programme. Together with EBRD, FAO implemented a project strengthening the institutions involved in the Serbian system, in particular the grain inspectorate and the indemnity fund, through trainings, creation of manuals, study tours and other methods. This video explains how grain warehouse receipts give farmers a better chance to finance their business by using the most tangible guarantee they can offer: the commodity they produce.


Related links:


Report: http://www.ruralfinance.org/fileadmin/templates/rflc/documents/The__use__of__warehouse_pdf.pdf


News article: http://www.fao.org/investment/newsandmeetings/news-archive/detail/en/?dyna_fef%5Buid%5D=39102


Photo credit C0BuUyswz1A