Centre d'investissement de la FAO

Russian Federation is taking steps towards improving quality and availability of state registration and cadastre services


Formal implementation of an ambitious Roadmap formally started on January 1, 2013 by the Russian Federation Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (RosReestr) to improve the quality and availability of state servicesin the area of cadastre and property registration across the Russian Federation. Many of the innovations and reforms planned are already under pilot implementation and most of the underlying IT infrastructure for the improved system has been installed. These nation-wide improvements will be rolled out over the next five years with the assistance of recently-updated legislation, which will enable a new workflow featuring multi-functional customer service centres, online servicesand a highly-automated back office processing operation.

 Under the “Registration project”, a joint FAO Investment Centre  and World Bank team visited Krasnoyarsk, Siberia from 28 to 30 May to oversee the pilot implementation of an interregional mega IT center for incoming cadastre applications from four regions was successfully completed. For one month, the pilot center carried out the same work of three neighboring regions and the St. Petersburg region in parallel. Results showed the pilot center was able to process the same volume of work with the same quality, yet with one-quarter of thestaff.

 Building on this success, RosReestr plans toestablish six centers similar to the one located in Krasnoyarsk, in economically less-developed regions. Ninety percent of back office processes will be concentrated and performed in these centers, saving time and funds through simplified proceduresat a local level, improved staff efficiency, improved office and staff management, and minimized opportunities for corrupt practices. The interregional center in Krasnoyarsk, which has recently been put into operation, demonstrates very efficient workflows and customer satisfaction and has shown this approach is technically ready to start full production. Currently 24 percent of all applications are processed electronically and the country has set the ambitious task to reach 70 percent by 2018.

 FAO and the World Bank are committed to continue their support to the Government of the Russian Federation through investment and knowledge sharing in order to achieve the goals of the Roadmap. The World Bank is providing financial support to the implementation of the Government Programme through the Registration Project, which began in 2006 and supports the on-going reforms of the registration system of rights in immovable property inRussia. FAO is also working with the World Bank Europe and Central Asia Land team under the Cooperative Programme to provide IT expertise to support the implementation of the biggest sub-components of the Registration Project.

 The RosReestr Unified Immovable Property Registration and Cadastre system is the biggest and one of the most complex centralized unified systems in the world due to the huge territory and data-basescovered. FAO and the World Bank also seek to share information about the country’s rapidly evolving property registration system for the benefit of other countriesin the region and beyond who are undertaking similar reforms.

 Russian version of the article attached