Centre d'investissement de la FAO

FAO Investment Centre: An Overview (1964-2014)


" Fifty years old, the FAO-Investment Centre has adapted, expanded, diversified and – to the great credit of the people dedicated to its service – it has thrived. For this anniversary, we took the time to reflect on the experiences of half a century of facilitating effective investment in agriculture and rural development. This short overview provides a snapshot of the Investment Centre as it came to be and as it is now. It also provides an introduction to the comprehensive book, FAO-Investment Centre: 50 Years of Support to Investment in Agriculture and Rural Development, to be published in early 2015. Annotated with personal reminiscences, early documents and photos, the forthcoming book is a lively, multifaceted, decade-by-decade recounting of the Investment Centre’s evolution through the years. Please enjoy this overview of what is to come".