Centre d'investissement de la FAO

TCI Investment Days (16-17 December 2014)


Celebrating 50 years of promoting

The Investment Centre’s annual two-day knowledge-sharing event called "Investment Days" will be held on 16 and 17 December 2014 in the Sheikh Zayed Centre, FAO headquarters. This year, the event now in its sixth year, will be particularly special as the Centre (TCI) marks its 50th Anniversary. Together with FAO colleagues and partners, TCI will reflect on lessons learned over the past five decades and assess future investment challenges and opportunities, as well as FAO’s role in responding to members' needs. Lively plenary and parallel sessions include the Agricultural Investments in Times of Transformation; Investing in Climate Resilience; Food Security, Water and Energy; the Future Role of FAO and TCI in Promoting Investments in Agriculture and Rural Development and working with the Private Sector. Invited guests include country partners, international experts on agriculture and rural development, as well as experts from International Financing Institutions (IFIs) such as the World Bank, IFAD, AfDB and other development agencies.

Click here to see the agenda.