Инвестиционный центр ФАО

New report provides an overview of the agricultural sector in Iraq and areas for development


In partnership with the World Bank, FAO’s Investment Centre Division recently prepared an Agricultural Sector Note that reviews available information on the performance of Iraqi agriculture, government policies and development partner programmes ongoing in the country. The Note also addresses current constraints to the sector, and areas for development to increase Iraq’s food security and agricultural competitiveness. In particular, the Note outlines areas for future cooperation in the agriculture sector between the World Bank and the Government of Iraq, including possible areas where the Bank and other developers could provide technical assistance.

This Note was presented at an FAO workshop on Iraq organized by FAO’s Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division and held in Amman, Jordan from 28 to 29 February 2012. The workshop brought together relevant FAO technical and operational officers at country, regional and headquarters level to review the Medium-Term Strategy for Iraq and to develop a roadmap and transition plan for FAO’s agriculture assistance to the country from 2012 to 2016. The workshop also served to increase understanding on what currently characterizes the agriculture sector in Iraq.  

For the full report, please see below.