Инвестиционный центр ФАО

Joint FAO/IFAD Study on rural finance mechanisms in Niger


IFAD’s new results-based country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP 2013-2018) for Niger refocuses its investment portfolio on the sustainable improvement of food security in rural households in the regions of Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder. This new strategy foresees the gradual movement of a number of pipeline projects for improving food security and supporting small-scale irrigation into one cohesive programme by 2015. The implementation arrangements of this programme will be designed at the time of its formulation.

 In anticipation of this new initiative, a study on rural finance was completed in order to inform policy choices regarding the feasibility and mechanisms of the programme in order to ensure adequate supply of financial services in the agropastoral sector. The findings of the study were presented in a publication, ‘Etude sur les systemes financiers décentralisés et la finance rurale mecanismes inclusifs de financement alternatifs en zone agropastorale des regions de Tahou, Maradi et Zinder’. The report provides the findings of a joint FAO/IFAD study on financial systems and rural finance mechanisms in the agropastoral sector in Maradi, Tahou and Zinder.

 The publication is organized in three parts: (i) an overview of Niger’s current financial situation; (ii) research on strategic options for IFAD’s Rural Finance Programme; and (iii) recommendations are given for the implementation of new mechanisms through the operations of the new IFAD programme in Niger. For the full report, please see below.