Инвестиционный центр ФАО

Farm-level Irrigation Modernization Project in Egypt


An FAO Investment Centre team has provided substantial support to the Government of Egypt in the identification and design of the Farm-level Irrigation Modernization Project approved by the World Bank on 14 December 2010. The team members (David Lugg, Senior Agricultural Officer, Yoshiko Ishihara, Rural Sociologist and Juan Morelli, Economist, Consultant), played a major role throughout the process from developing the project concept; designing activities to enhance farmer knowledge of irrigation modernization and associated land improvement and crop production technologies; supporting introduction of a new approach to the delivery of services based on working with farmers groups and private sector actors; using participatory planning approaches; coordinating the social and economic analyses; conducting analyses for the longer-term programme to modernize irrigation on 5 million feddans (2.1 million ha); and assisting the Government’s counterpart team in preparing a project Operations Manual.

For details on this project which will benefit 140,000 farm families, see: 
