Инвестиционный центр ФАО

Promoting agricultural trade linkages between Latin America and China


 In late September 2011, the Latin America Agriculture Department of the World Bank and FAO’s Investment Centre jointly organized a Workshop on Agricultural Trade Linkages between Latin America and China, which was held in Rome at FAO headquarters. The workshop provided a forum for exchanging knowledge and recent case studies on the evolving agricultural trade linkages between Latin American countries and China. Discussions were also held on opportunities and challenges for Latin American economies and China in this area. The workshop results will be used to develop an enhanced framework for guiding interventions by FAO, the World Bank, IFAD and other international and national development actors in support of investment projects which take better account of agricultural trade-related issues. Click here for the Workshop agenda and workshop REPORT. The presentations can be found below:

I:  Recent trends in world agricultural trade and role of China


Recent trends in world trade of agricultural and agro-processed food products

David Hallam, FAO


Developments and patterns of trade in agricultural commodities betweenChina and Latin America

Zuo Changsheng, Ministry of Agriculture of China


Trade and investment relations between Latin America and China with special reference to agri-products


Osvaldo Rosales, ECLAC


II. Public policy and private sector initiatives in China and Latin America: Lessons from selected experiences


Soy industry: Argentina and MERCOSUR


Marcelo Regunaga, University of San Andres, Argentina



Dairy/beef industry:Uruguay and MERCOSUR

Daniel Conforte, Massey University, New Zealand


Asparagus Peru and China

Geoffrey Cannock, APOYO Consultoría S.A.C., Peru



The private sector perspective



Jorge Domínguez, Molinos Río de la Plata SA



III. Trade opportunities, risks and challenges, China as a force in agricultural trade and investment with Latin America?


Summary of key issues

Jose Caballero-Ceruti, FAO


Issues around the free trade agreements

Alberto Valdes, Universidad Católica de Chile


China’s public investments in land and technology in Latin America


Antonio Buainain, University of Campinas-Unicamp,Brazil


Prospects and challenges of agricultural trade between China and Latin America: analysis of problems and opportunities from the Chinese perspective

Li Xiande, CAAS


 IV. Background papers


LAC’s agricultural exports: opportunities and challenges arising fromChina’s rapid growth

Blanca Amado & Jose Caballero-Ceruti, FAO





Agricultural trade linkages between Latin America and China - Conclusions and Future Priorities

Blanca Amado & Jose Caballero-Ceruti, FAO
