
Geographical Indications in Macedonian Wine Sector, Skopje, 13-14 March 2012


FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have been working with Macedonia to develop its wine sector through capacity development activities. The Macedonian Ministry of Agriculture, the Wines of Macedonia Institute, and several wine producers are studying the financial and marketing benefits of a Geographical Indication (GI) through the lens of Cotes du Rhone, France. On 13-14 March 2012, a select group of representatives from FAO, EBRD, and the Macedonian stakeholders met in Skopje, Macedonia. The purpose was to discuss key findings from a December trip to Cotes du Rhone and to use their learnings to begin developing their own GI association and Code of Practice with the aim of raising the general quality of Macedonian wine and increasing international awareness.

for all the workshop material, please click here.