
Geographical indications: creaming off the best of tradition


Dairy experts from the Russian Federation visited Italy to find out more about Geographical Indications (GIs) and how they can increase sales of traditional agricultural products. Italy has the largest number of GIs in Europe, one of which is the famed Parmigiano Reggiano. Russia also has traditional cheese with unique features specific to certain areas, such as the Altay region. In these areas the GI approach could be an effective way to add value to the local production.

Related links:

Study tour: http://www.eastagri.org/meetings/index.asp?id=43

National workshop information: http://www.eastagri.org/meetings/index.asp?id=45

News article: http://www.fao.org/investment/newsandmeetings/news-archive/detail/en/?dyna_fef%5Buid%5D=44715

Russian video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKxobqTFjDw

Russian report: http://www.eastagri.org/publications/pub_docs/Dairy_RUS_Report_web_new.pdf

English report: http://www.eastagri.org/publications/pub_docs/Updated%20Dairy%20Report_web.pdf

Photo credit f_Wa-bXzM8A