
A Taste of your World



Are you passionate about food? Is there a national or regional dish you wish you could share with people from other countries? Is the place where you reside famous for making food which cannot be found anywhere else in the world and which nobody else can make better? If so, take a picture of it and share it with us! We’re looking for #atasteofyourworld - and this summer you’ve got the chance to show the world your appetite for great shots of food.

In August, we (@unfao) are teaming up with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (@ebrd_official) on Instagram to select the pictures which best showcase heritage food products, unique dishes or dining traditions across all the countries we work in.

Why? Because we are what we eat and FAO and the EBRD are championing quality foods produced by local communities .Think about how food is produced and how it makes everyone of us and the places where we live, unique.

How you can participate and what to keep in mind:


  • Write a caption describing the photo, explain where it was taken and why you think it is special. Use the hashtag #AtasteOfYourWorld and mention us - @unfao and @ebrd_official. Your account will need to be public to allow us and others to view your shots.


  • The competition runs for the whole month of August.


  • In the first round, we will select 10 photos that meet the requirements outlined above. These will be featured on the FAO and EBRD Instagram accounts for a second round of voting of September 1, 2016. The selected photos may also be shared via other FAO and EBRD social media channels and websites. The EBRD will also showcase the best photos in form of a slideshow during its 2017 Annual Meeting.


  • The second round of voting will close on 7 September, 2016. The winning photo, which receives maximum number of likes on FAO and EBRD Instagram accounts, will win a smartphone.


  • You can post as many photos as you like – and please don’t forget to encourage friends and family to participate as well!


General Rules, Copyright and Privacy (click here)


By submitting entries to the Contest, the Entrant confirms that the rules for the Competition, including the General Rules, Copyright and Privacy, as set out above, have been read, understood, and agreed to by the Entrant.

We hope you have fun as you inspire the next generation to appreciate quality food, culture and shared traditions.