FAO Investment Centre
Despite massive humanitarian aid, South Sudan, the world’s youngest country, ranks near the bottom of the Human Development Index. Since gaining...
A study of 33 wholesale food markets in 29 countries is furthering understanding of their roles in food systems and...
Population growth, shifting diets, climate change and the increasing frequency and intensity of drought pose water challenges that could threaten...
All photos by © FAO/Paballo Thekiso, photo of women working together by © FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri
Mozambique’s land regularization programme Terra Segura/Mozland seeks to provide land use rights certificates to millions of small farmers and improve...
Main image ©Sergey Kozmin, slide photo ©FAO/Vyacheslav Oseledko
Kyrgyz agricultural workers struggling with water shortages and fluctuating rainfall are set to benefit from a new World Bank project...
 © FAO/Sandro Cespoli
More than 17 400 Uruguayan farmers will benefit from a new project to integrate agroecological approaches and climate resilience into...