FAO Investment Centre
©FAO/Valerio Crespi via Flickr
Sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture is key to building climate resilience and food security for Gambia’s fisherfolk,...
© FAO/Luca Tommasini
Around 375 000 Haitians are set to benefit from a new agriculture resilience-building project to target the escalating food crisis,...
©FAO/Deanne V. Ramroop
More than 7000 farmers in Belize are set to benefit from a new project to strengthen climate resilience in agriculture....
The huge economic and human cost of COVID-19 has focused minds on preventing the next pandemic, or drastically reducing the...
© FAO/Vyacheslav Oseledko
More and better agrifood investments are vital to reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition
©FAO/Sonia Malpeso
Collaboration with longstanding investment partners and strong mobilization of FAO teams around the world continued to yield impressive results