Centre d'investissement de la FAO
Stakeholders discuss opportunities to develop the sector
 Main image © FAO/Amos Gumulira, other photos ©FAO/Eddie Gerald
A new way of measuring rural poverty yields unexpected results in Malawi
La FAO et la Commission de l’Union africaine lancent des directives pour l’investissement à l’intention des jeunes
While food security is a renewed source of concern at the global level, the greening of agrifood systems remains a...
©FAO/Luis Tato
To adequately invest in the agri-food sector, one has to put in perspective the investment’s potential value with the different...
Photos 1 and 2: FAO/ Marco Longari; Photo 3: FAO/ Luis Tato
Agriculture plays an important role in feeding the East and Southern African countries and other countries the region exports to,...