Centre d'investissement de la FAO
 © FAO
The AgrInvest initiative in Uganda is co-financed by the European Union and FAO...
Photo 1 ©FAO/Stephanie Leontiev, Photo 2 ©BERD
La BERD et la FAO ont organisé des cours de formation avec des agriculteurs et des exportateurs sur la gestion...
 © Jane Hahn
An EU-FAO Webinar on first published results in Africa
©FAO/Ia Ebralidze
FAO and EBRD promote gastroroutes to raise appreciation of and boost incomes for smallholder farmers
©Nikholoz Mkhedlidze for FAO and EBRD
With its storied gastronomic traditions, rich cultural heritage and striking scenery from mountains to shores, Georgia has set its sights...
At a regional event on agriculture human capital investment, convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations...