Centre d'investissement de la FAO
A study of 33 wholesale food markets in 29 countries is furthering understanding of their roles in food systems and...
All photos by © FAO/Paballo Thekiso, photo of women working together by © FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri
Mozambique’s land regularization programme Terra Segura/Mozland seeks to provide land use rights certificates to millions of small farmers and improve...
 © FAO/Sandro Cespoli
More than 17 400 Uruguayan farmers will benefit from a new project to integrate agroecological approaches and climate resilience into...
© FAO/Luca Tommasini
Around 375 000 Haitians are set to benefit from a new agriculture resilience-building project to target the escalating food crisis,...
©FAO/Deanne V. Ramroop
More than 7000 farmers in Belize are set to benefit from a new project to strengthen climate resilience in agriculture....
The huge economic and human cost of COVID-19 has focused minds on preventing the next pandemic, or drastically reducing the...
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