Centre d'investissement de la FAO
Photos 1 and 3 ©UNCDF Uganda, Slide image and photo 2 ©Shutterstock
Uganda Development Bank expands its agri-food lending portfolio
Technical Validation Workshop on Investment Guidelines for Youth in Agri-food Systems in Africa
Améliorer l’accès à la mécanisation agricole durable
©FAO/Sumy Sadurni
The Uganda Development Bank (UDB), a national public bank, is boosting its agri-food lending portfolio via the joint European Union...
©FAO/Luis Tato
Selon le Réseau de prévention des crises alimentaires, 18,6 millions de personnes, un chiffre record, ont actuellement besoin d’aide alimentaire...
©FAO/Anne Mottet
Millions of people in the Sahel depend on pastoral systems for their food and livelihoods. That is why developing the...
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