Инвестиционный центр ФАО
Diverse technologies, from smartphones to the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence (AI), enable farmers to make better decisions...
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Ответственное и широкомасштабное инвестирование в развитие оросительных систем имеет огромное значение для решения целого ряда предусмотренных Повесткой дня в области...
Today until March 29th over 30 policy makers from Guinea Conakry, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal will be gathered in Dakar...
Marco Verch via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Business-to-business – or B2B – meetings with carefully selected buyers and suppliers are an effective way to promote exports....
FAO/ Hannah Fried
Fruity, bitter and pungent. Those are the hallmarks of a good quality olive oil. But a lot can happen from...
©FAO/Igor Pavicevic
Serbian and Montenegrin berry producers attended the Global Berry Congress in Rotterdam on 25 March – an annual event bringing...