مركز الاستثمار

Modern technology improves traditional livehoods in Kazakhstan


FAO and the EBRD have adapted a mobile app – Collect Mobile – from the OpenForis suite (a set of free and open-source software tools) to help milk processors in Kazakhstan geo-locate the hundreds of raw milk suppliers scattered across the massive country. 

Kazakhstan’s milk industry has excellent potential to grow, but it still faces many challenges. About 80 percent of the country’s milk comes from small family farmers; however, the country does not have enough milk collection centres, and distances from farms to dairy processing plants can span hundreds of kilometres, leading to high transportation costs and spoilage.

By conducting field-based surveys using this innovative app on GPS-equipped phones or tablets, Kazakh dairy companies can collect and analyse information on the volume, seasonal availability and quality of existing raw milk sources. They can optimize collection routes to reduce transportation costs, forecast needs for cooling tanks or refrigerated transport and save time on paperwork. 

With the app, the companies can also advise dairy farmers on everything from improved hygiene and farm management practices to feed supplements. And they can learn more about the growth potential of suppliers and the obstacles preventing them from producing high-quality milk.  

Everyone benefits. Farmers boost their incomes through stable sales and improve production thanks to better information. Processors gain from more efficient supply chains. And consumers are guaranteed a high-quality Kazakh product.

FAO has also created a series of animated videos called ‘Smart Milk’ to raise awareness on good practices in dairy farming. 


Image: ©FAO/Marco Palombi
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