Инвестиционный центр ФАО

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➤ Knowledge for Investment K4I

Through K4I, we are committed to sharing knowledge via key studies and publications. Topics are wide ranging – from improving urban food systems governance to more climate-sensitive agricultural investments to country sector reviews, to name a few.

Visit the K4I page to browse through the complete publications catalogue.


➤ Agriculture Human Capital Investment

Investing in farmers – or agriculture human capital – is crucial to addressing challenges in our agri-food systems. These publications look at agriculture human capital investments, from recent trends to promising initiatives in CameroonChile, Côte d'Ivoire, India, Indonesia, KenyaPeru, Rwanda and the United States of America, as well as a global study


➤ Food Systems Assessment (FSA)

Under a partnership between the European Union, FAO, and CIRAD, in cooperation with national and food systems stakeholders, a large-scale assessment and consultation on food systems was initiated in more than 50 countries, as a first step towards transforming them.

The evidence and knowledge gathered so far has identified key questions that will help define policy and investments solutions in view of transforming food systems.


Visit the dedicated FSA web to browse through the complete catalogue of publications.

Последние публикации

Author(s): Christensen, I., Pozarny, P., Bishop-Sambrook, C.
These three guides produced by FAO’s Investment Centre demonstrate the application of social analysis to investment programmes and projects in...
Author(s): Poate, D., Hedley, E
This study is one of the results of the “Sustainable Livelihood Development Project” being implemented in Kenya by the Kenya...
Author(s): Pavoni, R.
The purpose of the workshop was to offer a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on the evolving...
Author(s): Meybeck, A.
In East Asia and the Pacific, climate change brings an additional threat to existing development challenges for agriculture. This threat...
Author(s): Hagiwara, T., Ogawa, S., Kariuki, P. M., Ndeti, J. N., Kimondo, J. M.
The positive experience in implementing the Intensified Social Forestry Project in Semi-Arid Areas in Kenya has resulted in the adoption...
Author(s): Филеччиа, Т.
Высшей точки в своем развитии казахский шерстяной сектор...
Author(s): Belozertsev, A., Rutten, L., Hollinger, F.
This study discusses commodity exchanges in the European and Central Asian (ECA) region as a tool for risk management. There...
Author(s): Punda, I.
This handbook is part of a series of agribusiness manuals prepared under the FAO/EBRD cooperation. The production of the manuals...
Author(s): Prikhodko, D., Rybchynsky, R.
This handbook is part of a series of agribusiness manuals prepared by FAO's Investment Centre Division, in collaboration with FAO's...