Available now: An Analytical Framework to Assess Synergies and Trade-Offs Among the Twenty Interconnected Sustainable Food and Agriculture Actions – Summary
The new publication examines the relationship between productivity and other dimensions of sustainability in agriculture, with a focus on crop and livestock production, while providing a framework to be used by countries and sub-national entities during the various stages of the planning and implementation process of their transition to Sustainable Food and Agriculture (SFA).
This six-step framework is aimed at maximising synergies and minimizing trade-offs between agricultural productivity and sustainability, as well as among related support policies and measures.
As demands on countries increase, especially in the context of the SDGs, this framework can provide a clear approach on how to prioritize these competing demands and how to best reconcile them, while equipping countries with a way to consider and plan for these interactions.
The paper summary is available online A summary to assess synergies and trade‐offs among the twenty interconnected Sustainable Food and Agriculture (SFA) actions.
For more information on the publication and the framework itself, read the story: Balancing productivity and sustainability in agriculture.