Mécanisation agricole durable

Small mills in Africa: Selection, installation and operation of equipment

Small mills are very important machines for many communities in Africa as they eliminate much tedium and time-consuming labour. Various types of small mills are found across Africa. While considerable literature is available on the technologies of medium- and large-scale mills, there is little information on small-scale mill technologies and on how to make the right purchase decision. This working document includes information on various types of hullers and small mills available in Africa. It advises how to select milling equipment, and how to install, operate and maintain small mills. It includes simple profitability calculations. This document is designed to be comprehensive and practical. It is addressed to entrepreneurs or communities who want to invest in a mill and to extension workers, national and international development organizations, and rural finance institutions involved in advising potential investors.

Type of publication:
working document
Series name:
Agricultural and Food Engineering Technical Report
Small mills, Africa, Selection, installation, operation, equipment