Mécanisation agricole durable
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Mots clés
Agriculture in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is diverse, and has great potential to revitalize the economy of the countries in the region via improved productivity (efficiency) and higher total yield for food, fodder and fibre crops. Conservation agriculture can...
Il leur faut intensifier leur production tout en gérant de manière durable, en préservant et en restaurant les ressources naturelles. Pour permettre à ces agriculteurs de faire la transition vers des systèmes de production agricole durables et résilients, il est nécessaire d’améliorer...
Small mills are very important machines for many communities in Africa as they eliminate much tedium and time-consuming labour. Various types of small mills are found across Africa. While considerable literature is available on the technologies of medium- and large-scale...
Sustainable agricultural mechanization (SAM) is an essential input for the development of the smallholder farm sector in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The Consultative Meeting provided a platform to discuss Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) in general, SAM strategies and implementation options, experiences...
Much of sub-Saharan Africa’s farmland is (still) cultivated with the hand hoe, and agricultural processing and transport are often done manually. This limits the potential of agriculture in the region. Mechanization can help to alleviate food shortages and enhance agricultural...
This factsheet provides a brief overview on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization, what FAO does and background information.
This publication is the Executive Summary of the Conclusions and recommendations of a Round Table Meeting of Experts held in Arusha, Tanzania on 3-5 June 2009.
This book is an effort by FAO to compile an up-to-date, comprehensive text on rural structures and services in the tropics, focusing on structures for small- to medium-scale farms and, to some extent, village-scale agricultural infrastructure. The earlier edition, entitled...
Le présent document constitue une référence très appréciable et il est destiné aux décideurs, aux responsables et aux experts impliqués dans les projets de formulation de stratégie de mécanisation agricole.
Developing nations now have an enviable opportunity to develop agricultural mechanization systems, not only conservatively, but more productively and eoonomically than generally recognized. This is the first of several articles planned over the next few years to guide the reorientation...
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