SDG Indicators Data Portal

2022 Virtual Trainings on SDG Indicator 2.4.1 “Proportion of Agricultural Area under Productive and Sustainable Agriculture”

Virtual Event, 09/05/2022 - 13/10/2022

From May to October 2022, FAO has organized a series of virtual training workshops on SDG indicator 2.4.1 “Proportion of Agricultural Area under Productive and Sustainable Agriculture” for which FAO is the custodian agency.

The goal was to provide government officials responsible for monitoring the indicator capacity development on the methodology, data collection and analysis relevant to sustainable food and agriculture.

Information have been provided on appropriate data collection instruments, namely farm surveys, including how to use these to provide the data needed for the SDG 2.4.1 sub-indicators and to identify the data gaps faced by countries.

More specifically, a 4 half-day virtual training have been organized between May and October 2022 to:

  • Provide technical training to build capacity of the national staff on SDG indicator 2.4.1 farm survey-based methodology, data collection, compilation and interpretation
  • Identify available national and sub-national farm level and other data useful to analyze sustainable food and agriculture
  • Understand the data gaps
  • Discuss the country plans to collect data on the indicator in the short/medium/long term

The online training workshops were composed of participants from 1 or more countries and have offered an opportunity to share good practices and experiences. Furthermore, the trainings will provide participants a platform to discuss and share their strategies for overcoming the potential challenges regarding data collection, analysis and reporting of SDG indicator 2.4.1.


The virtual trainings helped the national counterparts in evaluating the availability of national and sub-national data needed to compute indicator 2.4.1, understanding its measurement challenges and introducing effective data collection and reporting mechanisms. The ultimate aim was to provide basis for designing improved data-driven policies and international reporting. Particularly, the following outputs have been achieved through the virtual trainings:

  • Trained 27 countries (134 national staff) on the methodology and tools for SDG indicator 2.4.1, so that its adoption at the country level and its reporting to FAO can be supported;
  • One country has submitted an action plan as a result of these trainings that summarize the current situation of data availability on the 11 sub-indicators of SDG 2.4.1 and how they plan to bridge the remaining data gaps;
  • Four countries submitted the stocktaking file, and among those one also requested further bespoke technical assistance from FAO to implement the indicator (i.e. mapping of the data gaps, customization of existing agriculture surveys, sampling design, data collection and analysis to construct and finally report the indicator).


The participants of the training included the National Focal points for SDG 2.4.1 (if already identified), as well as relevant officers from the National Statistical Offices, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and other agencies relevant to sustainable agriculture.

Background material

All background materials (methdological documents, guidelines and questionnaires) can be accessed in English, and sometimes in Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish at the following link 

Participants were advised to take the SDG indicator 2.4.1 e-learning course (following this link currently available in English, French and Spanish) prior to the virtual training to get familiar with the subject and terminologies. The e-learning course (2.5 hours duration) has been developed to facilitate understanding of the main concepts underpinning the methodology and to support countries in the analysis, data collection and reporting for SDG indicator 2.4.1.


Tentative Dates

Group of Countries

Progress & Recordings

9-10 May 2022


No recording available

16-19 May 2022

Albania, Finland, Gambia, Ghana, Ireland, Malta, Republic of Moldova, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Sudan, Sweden, Togo

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

6-9 June 2022

Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

10-13 October 2022

United Arab Emirates

Day 1 (Arabic)

Day 2 

Day 3 (Arabic)

Day 4 (Arabic)


Tentative agenda

SDG indicator 2.4.1 



Presenter/ Facilitator

Time Slot

(in minutes)

  Day 1





Welcome address / Introduction / Objectives of the training

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan and Stefania Bacci


Session 1

SDG 2.4.1: Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan


Session 2

Sub-indicators in the economic dimension

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan




Session 3

Sub-indicators in the economic dimension (cont.)

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan


Session 4

Q&A and Wrap-up

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan


Day 2

Session 1

Sub-indicators in the environmental dimension

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan




Session 2

Sub-indicators in social dimension

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan


Session 3

Q&A and Wrap-up



Day 3

Session 1

SDG 2.4.1. Data collection tools (survey questionnaire and alternative data sources)

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan


Session 2

SDG 2.4.1 in the context of AGRIS and 50x2030

FAO – AGRIS team


Session 3

FAO SDG 2.4.1 Data collection questionnaire

FAO – Stefania Bacci




Session 4

Data reporting to FAO (with focus on FAOSTAT)

FAO – Nathan Wanner


Session 5

Findings of the 2020-2021 dispatches of SDG 2.4.1 FAO data collection questionnaire

FAO – Stefania Bacci


Session 6

Q&A and Wrap-up



Day 4

Session 1

Indicator 2.4.1 Short/Medium/Long term expectations

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan


Session 2

Practical steps on national adoption and implementation of SDG 2.4.1

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan




Session 3

Discussion on challenges in data collection and reporting on SDG indicator 2.4.1 and action plan to overcome it



Session 4

Wrap-up, next steps, evaluation and closing (group photo)

FAO – Arbab Asfandiyar Khan and Stefania Bacci




Arbab Asfandiyar Khan  

(Technical focal point)