SDG Indicators Data Portal

CFS Side Event: Data for Food Security: Taking forward the CFS data workstream

Virtual Event, 10/02/2021

Despite the world's commitment to end hunger by 2030, recent findings show that the world is not on track to achieve this crucial target. Furthermore, it is estimated that the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has added from 83 to 132 million people to the total number of undernourished in the world in 2020, making the achievement of the target even more difficult. To address this worrying trend and transform the food system, all countries need to be equipped with accurate and reliable data to formulate and implement targeted evidence-based food and agriculture policies and investments. In this light and as a contribution to the CFS workstream on Data Collection and Analysis Tools, this side event aims to provide an opportunity to discuss the key elements that need to be covered in the CFS Data Workstream, their contribution to the zero hunger target and their implementation modalities. The outcome of this panel discussion could serve as initial platform for the deepening of the debate and policy recommendations of the High-Level Panel Experts on Data Collection and Analysis Tools.


  • To promote a discussion on the importance of addressing data gaps to support food system transformation and SDG achievement.
  • To provide informal inputs for the CFS Workstream on Data Collection and Analysis Tools in advance of the formal and inclusive CFS process.
  • To strengthen CFS stakeholders' support for the implementation of the workstream that will produce actionable policy recommendations on improving agricultural data.

Next steps: 

A report on ‘Data collection and analysis: tools for food security and nutrition’ will be presented at the CFS Plenary in October 2022. This process will be led by the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE). The report will aim to identify some of the barriers for the collection, analysis and use of data for decision-making, highlight data gaps, and assess the opportunities and risks of the use of a data-driven approach by multiple stakeholders. The report is expected to be followed by a policy convergence process to discuss what key stakeholders can do to take the report’s recommendations forward.


  • Government of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


  • Dr. I. Kerut Kariyasa, Director, Centre for Data and Information Systems, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia
  • Dr. Martin Cole, Chairperson of the HLPE Steering Committee
  • Pietro Gennari, Chief Statistician, FAO
  • Sesheeni Joud Selvaratnam, ActionAid
  • Andrew Rzepa, Partner, Gallup