SDG Indicators Data Portal

Information Seminar for Permanent Representatives: Latest Developments on SDG indicators and the Plan to Improve the Governance of FAO Data and Statistics

Virtual Event, 09/04/2021

Following the recommendation of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized a virtual Information Seminar titled “Latest Developments on SDG indicators and the Plan to Improve the Governance of FAO Data and Statistics”, which took place on Friday 9 April 2021, from 14.00 to 16.30.

The webinar aimed to provide Members with a comprehensive briefing on the SDG monitoring work, particularly focusing on SDG indicators 2.4.1 (sustainable agriculture), 2.1.2 (food insecurity), 15.4.2 (mountain green cover), as well as the emerging SDG indicator framework for the Private Sector. In this same Informal Consultation, Members were also presented the Plan for improving the governance of FAO statistical activities to strengthen the oversight and enhance relevance, coherence and quality standards of all of its statistics.

This Plan, which is articulated across four overarching priority action areas, focusing on governance; capacity of decentralized offices; resources; and IT infrastructure, takes into account the recommendations of the 2019 Evaluation of FAO Statistics as well as three major strategic documents that have recently been released: two external documents (the CEB Roadmap for Innovating UN Data and Statistics and the Secretary General’s UN Data Strategy) and one internal (FAO Strategic Framework 2022-2031).


Moderator: Mr. Maximo Torero – Chief Economist

Mr. Pietro Gennari, Chief Statistician
Mr. Francesco Tubiello, Senior Statistician
Mr. Carlo Cafiero, Senior Statistician
Mr. Anssi Pekkarinen, Senior Forestry Officer
Ms. Valerie Bizier, Senior Statistician
Mr. José Rosero Moncayo, Director of the Statistics Division
Mr. Dejan Jakovljevic, Chief Information Officer
Ms. Carola Fabi, Senior Statistician


Office of Chief Statistician

[email protected]