SDG Indicators Data Portal

Measuring SDG indicators 2.3.1 and 2.3.2: training for Senegal

Virtual Event, 23/11/2021 - 24/11/2021

How to measure Food Security indicators using data from Annual Agriculture Surveys? How to monitor progress at global, regional, and national levels? In November 2021, FAO, in partnership with Data4Now, organized a workshop in French to build capacities in ANSD on the calculation of indicators 2.3.1 and 2.3.2.

FAO is the custodian agency of those indicators and has been chosen to:

  • Lead the methodological development and documentation of the indicator
  • Support the statistical capacity of countries to generate and disseminate national data
  • Collect data, ensure comparability and consistency, and disseminate national data
  • Contribute to monitoring progress at global, regional, and national levels