SDG Indicators Data Portal

National workshop on SDG indicators 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 in Astana (Kazakhstan)

28/09/2023 - 22/09/2023

Following the request of the Bureau of National Statistics (BNS) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, FAO is hosting a technical training workshop for understanding SDG indicators 2.1.1 and 2.1.2, in Astana, Kazakhstan from September 18 to 22, 2023. The upcoming FAO platform, the Food and Diet (F&D) Domain on FAOSTAT, would also be introduced in the workshop.

As part of its mandate, the Food Security and Nutrition Statistics team (FSNST) of ESS provides technical assistance to national governments’ institutions under the project’s component “Improved technical capacities at national level and data analysed to produce SDG food security indicators, SDG 2.1.1 Prevalence of Undernourishment and SDG 2.1.2 the Prevalence of Moderate and Severe Food Insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)”. It means to build the relevant institutions’ statistical capacities in compiling SDG indicators on Food Security within the context of the agenda 2030 for sustainable development.

Expected Outcomes:

  • FAO methodologies for estimating the SDGs indicators 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 are understood theoretically by the participants.
  • Hands-on data training is provided for estimating the PoU and FIES indicators based on datasets derived from the Kazakhstan - Household Consumption and Expenditure Survey (HCES) 2022, using softwares like, SPSS, STATA and Excel.
  • A general advocacy and introductory presentation of F&D would introduce the domain, its importance in the effort to closing data gaps on statistics availability for evidence-based policies and programs towards food security and nutrition improvement.


The training is being attended by 10 participants from the Bureau of National Statistics (BNS) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Agriculture and FAO country office.


Filippo Gheri

(Technical focal point)