SDG Indicators Data Portal

Regional Capacity Development Workshop on Gender Statistics

Virtual Event, 17/11/2020 - 19/11/2020

The Regional Capacity Development Workshop drew on FAO's knowledge and experience in gender, agriculture, and statistics to provide in-depth training on SDG Indicators 5.a.1 and 5.a.2, as well as on the collection and analysis of gender statistics and indicators relevant to agriculture and food security, all of which are required for successful SDG implementation.

The training was intended for national officials working on gender or gender-related statistics in Ministries of Agriculture, National Statistics Offices, or other ministries producing agricultural gender statistics. The workshop was also intended for SDG coordinators and/or officials in charge of collecting and disseminating data for annual SDG reporting (particularly SDG 5-related indicators).

The expected outcomes were to:

1. Strengthen national capacities to report on and monitor SDGs 5.a.1 and 5.a.2
2. Strengthen capacity to collect, compile, and report on gender statistics and indicators for agriculture and food security.
3. Support institutional strengthening for development and use of gender statistics within the statistical system .
Specific Learning Objectives
1. Understand the international context informing SDG 5, as well as the opportunities that this presents at country-level.
2. Understand gender statistics frameworks relevant to agriculture.
3. Understand the rationale, use, methodologies and tools for monitoring SDG 5.a.1 and 5.a.2.
4. Understand the rationale, use, methodologies and tools for compilation of selected gender indicators relevant to agriculture.
5. Build capacity of technical staff of countries and agencies on the compilation and interpretation of SDG 5.a.1 through presentations and hands-on exercises.
6. Build capacity of technical staff of countries and agencies on the compilation and interpretation of selected gender statistics and indicators for agriculture through presentations and hands-on exercises.
7. Share experience and lessons learned at country-level in relation to the development and incorporation of gender into the agriculture statistics system.
8. Discuss and identify priority institutional requirements for mainstreaming agriculture-gender statistics into the national statistical system.