Sustainable Development Goals Helpdesk

EGM on SDG 2: Justine Lynn Limocon Statement


Justine Lynn Limocon

Young Farmer' Representative, Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development

Session 5: Target 2.5 - Maintain Genetic Diversity
Small-scale producers  are grappling with various climatic challenges like heatwaves, dry spells, and extreme weather events, impacting our farming practices. To safeguard our livelihoods, we must adapt and collaborate with support institutions. Many small-scale farmers have already embraced innovative practices like farm diversification and conserving indigenous varieties, which are gaining recognition.

While farmers innovate at the local level, research institutions also contribute enhanced farming systems, crucial for climate adaptation. For instance, in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, we adopt practices like intercropping rice beans and cultivating drought-tolerant varieties. AFA Agenda 2 prioritizes promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Agroecology, emphasizing diversification.

In our country, policies like the National Organic Agriculture Program and initiatives such as the Philippine National Gene bank preserve genetic diversity. However, challenges persist, including the need for collaborative innovation respecting indigenous knowledge, addressing land conversion, and promoting sustainable land use policies.

Enhancing farmers' awareness and capacity on genetic diversity and ensuring access to diverse quality seeds are vital. Farmers should have agency in deciding what suits their farms and livelihoods best. By addressing these challenges and lessons learned, we can bolster resilience and sustainability in agriculture amidst a changing climate.