Sustainable Development Goals Helpdesk


Making agricultural investment and supply chains work for women and men


Part 1: Introduction of the e-learning series “Making agricultural investment and supply chains work for women and men”

This introduction clarifies the rationale and scope of the e-learning series, the target audience it was designed for, and the different courses that make it up.


Part 2:  Enabling women producers’ successful engagement in agribusiness

This course looks closely at the gender issues that are central to the substantially lower rate of engagement of women farmers, compared with men, in inclusive agribusiness. It provides direction on gender-responsive and transformative approaches to ensure that women and men access and benefit from profitable markets and business opportunities in equal measures along agrifood supply chains.


Part 3:  Fostering decent wage employment for women and men

This course analyses gender issues that should be addressed to foster gender-equitable decent wage employment in agriculture. It provides concrete guidance on approaches and measures that companies should adopt to create a gender-equitable workplace.


Part 4: Securing women’s land rights in the context of agricultural investment

This course focuses on gender and land issues in the context of agricultural investment. It provides concrete guidance on strategies, approaches and measures that can be adopted to enhance women’s land rights. This on one hand can foster women’s active involvement in agricultural investment, while on the other hand can prevent agricultural investment from negatively impacting women’s land rights.


Part 5: Building a gender-responsive policy and legal framework for agricultural investment and supply chains

This course focuses on gender issues and the policy and legal framework for agricultural investment and supply chains. It provides concrete guidance on actions required to create a policy and legal framework that increases the likelihood of women and men benefiting equally from agricultural investment and supply chains.

Introduction of the e-learning series “Making agricultural investment and supply chains work for women and men”