Plateforme de Connaissances sur les Chaînes de Valeur Alimentaires Durables

Analysis of the Cashew Value Chain in Burkina Faso - African Cashew Initiative


The objective of this cashew value chain analysis was to provide further understanding of cashew in Burkina Faso’s economy. Important factors considered were poverty reduction, income generation for small-scale growers, job creation and integration into the global market.

Pays: Burkina Faso
Produits: Cashew
Auteur (personne): Nasser Kankoudry Bila, Ousmane Djibo, Philippe Constant, Boureima Sanon
Éditeur: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Type: Case study
Format: Document
Références (Télécharger): EN FR
Ressources externs (Télécharger):