Plateforme de Connaissances sur les Chaînes de Valeur Alimentaires Durables

FIELD Report No.18 - Smallholders and Inclusive Growth in Agricultural Value Chains


This report presents the review of inclusive growth in twelve agricultural value chains in ten countries. Specific aspects of inclusive growth that this review focuses on include smallholder participation, smallholder upgrading opportunities and productivity effects, and additional value (incomes) captured by smallholder farmers.

Pays: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Armenia, Bangladesh, India, Non-country specific
Produits: Maize, Fruits in general, Vegetables in general, Cow milk, Non-Commodity specific
Thèmes: SFVC development in general, Social sustainability in general, Inclusion of the poor, Production, Farm/firm-level upgrading
Auteur (personne): Elizabeth Dunn
Organisation auteur: Impact LLC, FHI 360
Éditeur: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Type: Discussion
Format: Document
Références (Télécharger): EN
Ressources externs (Télécharger):