Plateforme de Connaissances sur les Chaînes de Valeur Alimentaires Durables

Climate Change, Water and Food Security


This report summarizes current knowledge of the anticipated impacts of climate change on water availability for agriculture. The implications for local and national food security are examined; and the methods and approaches to assess climate change impacts on water and agriculture are discussed. The report emphasizes the need for a closer alignment between water and agricultural policies and makes the case for immediate implementation of ‘no-regrets’ strategies which have both positive development outcomes and make agricultural systems resilient to future impacts.

Pays: Non-country specific
Produits: Non-Commodity specific
Thèmes: Water footprint
Auteur (personne): Hugh Turral, Jacob Burke, Jean-Marc Faurès
Éditeur: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Type: Discussion
Format: Document
Références (Télécharger): EN