Plateforme de Connaissances sur les Chaînes de Valeur Alimentaires Durables

Reforming Business Registration Regulatory Procedures at the National Level - A Reform Toolkit for Project Teams


Aimed at guiding users through the design and implementation of business registration reforms, it highlights and draws upon good practice cases and already-implemented reforms in many countries. The focus is on how to streamline the procedures an entrepreneur must comply with in order to set up a generic business before applying any sector-specific licenses, or certifications for activities with particular environment or health dimensions.

Pays: Non-country specific
Produits: Non-Commodity specific
Thèmes: Business enabling environment upgrading
Auteur (personne): Andrei Mikhnev, Carl Aaron
Éditeur: World Bank (WB)
Type: Discussion, Tool
Format: Document
Références (Télécharger): EN
Ressources externs (Télécharger):