
The Somali Chilled Meat Value Chain: Structure, Operation, Profitability and Opportunities to Improve the Competitiveness of Somalia’s Chilled Meat Export Trade


This study describes the main market actors within the export value chain of chilled meat in Somalia, the profitability, the constraints as well as the institutions and practices that affect the export of chilled meat. Recommendations are provided for value chain upgrading for both the public and private sectors as well as the research community.

Countries: Somalia
Commodities: Meat in general (except Poultry meat)
Personal author: Asfaw Negassa, Derek Baker, Lawrence Mugunieri, Riccardo Costagli, Francis Wanyoike, Mohamed Hassan Abdulle, Amos Omore
Publisher: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Type: Case study
Format: Document
References (Download): EN
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