Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

Value Chain Analysis of the Indigenous Poultry Sub-Sector, Kilifi and Kwale districts - Kenya


Indigenous poultry has been identified as a sector with distinguishable opportunities for income generation, employment creation, women involvement and livelihoods improvement in the Kwale and Kilifi districts in Kenya. This study was conducted using a value chain approach in order to identify and outline the feasibility of potential opportunities for value chain interventions for the subsector's development.

País: Kenya
Productos básicos: Poultry meat in general, Chicken (broiler)
Autor: Joseph M. Mathuva
Editorial: Coastal Rural Support Program in Kenya (CRSP,K) - Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)
Tipo: Case study
Formato: Document
Referencias (Descargar): EN
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