Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

Challenging Chains to Change - Gender Equity in Agricultural Value Chain Development


Written by practitioners, it brings together NGO experiences of working on value chains and using a gender lens in doing so. It contains an easy-to-read set of case studies regarding the many entry points and opportunities for addressing gender in value chain development: ways that benefit both the men and women involved and the success and profitability of the chain itself.

País: Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Rwanda, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Bolivia (Plurinational State of Bolivia), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru, Bangladesh, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka
Productos básicos: Coffee, Rice, Shea nut, Other oil crops, Vegetables in general, Honey, Livestock in general, Cow milk, Chicken (broiler), Other wild plants
Formato: Gender equity
Autor: Anna Laven, Rhiannon Pyburn
Editorial: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Agri-ProFocus, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)
Tipo: Case illustration, Discussion
Formato: Document
Referencias (Descargar): EN
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