Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

The Global Horticulture Knowledge Bank


The HortCRSP Global Horticulture Knowledge Bank provides practical crop information to help extension and development workers and improve the lives of people in lesser developed countries. This site is developed to provide people working on Horticulture in lesser developed countries with practical information. It contains links to existing materials and develops new materials as needed. It is a project of International Programs of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis.

País: Non-country specific
Productos básicos: Fruits in general, Vegetables in general
Organización autora: University of California (UC) Davis
Editorial: University of California (UC) Davis
Tipo: Discussion
Formato: Online material
Referencias (Descargar): EN
Recursos externos (Descargar):