Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

Agribusiness Indicators: Kenya


The aim of this study is to stimulate debate and dialogue among policy makers in specific African countries to engender change and reform in areas where investment is needed to leverage agribusiness and economic development. The rationale behind the development of agribusiness indicators (ABIs) is to construct indicators for specific factors to support successful, effective private sector involvement in agriculture. The indicators can be used to benchmark and monitor performance in the agricultural sector over time and across countries. The resulting information can provoke knowledge flows and meaningful dialogue among policy makers, government officials, donors, private sector actors, as well as other stakeholders in the agricultural sector. This study relied heavily on an extensive secondary data collection and literature review, supplemented by informal surveys to solicit information from a broad spectrum of stakeholders and actors in Kenya's agricultural sector.

País: Kenya
Productos básicos: Cereals in general
Formato: Physical inputs provision, Financial services, Institutional elements, Governance (linkage) upgrading, Inputs and services support upgrading, Business enabling environment upgrading
Autor: James Mbata
Editorial: World Bank (WB)
Tipo: Case study, Discussion
Formato: Document
Referencias (Descargar): EN
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