منصة المعرفة في منظمة الفاو بشأن سلاسل القيمة الغذائية المستدامة

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Number of records: 849
Title Year Format Type Source Link
Agro-Value Chain Analysis and Development - The UNIDO Approach 2009 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) EN

Albania Citrus: Value Chain Assessment - USAID - Albania Agriculture Competitiveness (AAC) Program 2009 The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) EN

Alimentos Obtenidos por Medios Biotecnológicos Modernos - Segunda Edición 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO) EN

Aliments Dérivés des Biotechnologies Modernes - Deuxième Édition 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO) EN

An Analysis of the Myanmar Edible Oil Crops Sub-Sector 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EN

An Analytical Study of Selected Fruit and Vegetable Value Chains in Samoa 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EN

Analyse des Riesques Relatifs á la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments - Guide à l'Usage des Autorités Nationales Responsables de la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO) EN

Analysis of 5 Value Chains - Yemen (Fish, Honey, Coffee, Wheat and Qat) 2009 Small Micro Enterprise Promotion Services (SMEPS) Yemen, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) EN

Análisis de Riesgos Relativos a la Inocuidad de los Alimentos - Guía para las Autoridades Nacionales de Inocuidad de los Alimentos 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO) EN

Beekeeping/ Honey Value Chain Financing Study Report 2009 SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) EN

Capacity Building to Implement Good Animal Welfare Practices 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EN

Carbon Footprint 101: A Guide for Food Retailers 2009 Food Marketing Institute (FMI) EN

Clusters for Competitiveness - A Practical Guide & Policy Implications for Developing Cluster Initiatives 2009 World Bank (WB) EN

Cocoa and Coffee Value Chains in West and Central Africa: Constraints and Options for Revenue-Raising Diversification 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EN

Converting Waste Agricultural Biomass into a Resource - Compendium of Technologies 2009 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) EN

Creación de Capacidad para la Implementación de Buenas Prácticas de Bienestar Animal 2009 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EN

Cómo Integrar la TIC en el Desarrollo de la Cadena de Valor 2009 The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) EN

Developing a Medicinal Plant Value Chain: Lessons from an Initiative to Cultivate Kutki (Picrorhiza Kurrooa) in Northern India 2009 Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) EN

Economics of Poultry Egg Marketing in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria 2009 International Journal of Poultry Science (IJPS) EN

Entreprises et développement 2009 Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD) ; IMS-Entreprendre pour la Cité FR