Sustainable Food Value Chains Knowledge Platform

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Number of records: 849
Title Year Format Type Source Link
A Women-Owned Shea Butter Company: from a Social Model to a Competitive Market Model 2012 Document Case illustration SNV Netherlands Development Organisation EN

Agribusiness Regulation and Institutions (AGRI) Index - Pilot report 2012 Document Discussion; Tool The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) EN

Agroécologie, une transition vers des modes de vie et de développement viables 2012 Document Case study; Discussion Groupe de Travail Désertification FR

Aliments «Énergétiquement Intelligents» pour les Gents et le Climat - Brève Analyse 2012 Document Discussion Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EN

Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques: un guide méthodologique 2012 Document Tool World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) FR

Analysis of the Walnut Value Chain in the Kyrgyz Republic 2012 Document Case study Program on Forests (PROFOR) EN

Assessment of five high-value agriculture inclusive business projects sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank in Latin America 2012 Document Case illustration Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness (CGGC) - Duke University EN

Assurer l'accès à la finance Agricole 2012 Document Case study; Discussion Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD) FR

Building Long-Term Relationships Between Producers and Trader Groups in the Non-Timber Forest Product Sector in Cameroon 2012 Document Case study African Journal of Agricultural Research EN

Challenging Chains to Change - Gender Equity in Agricultural Value Chain Development 2012 Document Case illustration; Discussion Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Agri-ProFocus, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) EN

Comment développer les métiers agroalimentaires en Afrique subsaharienne ? 2012 Document Case study; Discussion GRET FR

Comment développer les métiers agroalimentaires en Afrique subsaharienne ? Etude de cas Cameroun 2012 Document Case study GRET FR

Comment développer les métiers agroalimentaires en Afrique subsaharienne ? Etude de cas Madagascar 2012 Document Case study GRET ; CITE FR

Comment développer les métiers agroalimentaires en Afrique subsaharienne ? Etude de cas Sénégal 2012 Document Case study GRET FR

Commercialisation et démarche qualité, indispensables clés de l’augmentation de la production rizicole au Ghana 2012 Document Case study Centre d’études et de prospective - Ministere de l'Agriculture Francais FR

Customer Insights Toolkit - Enhancing Value Chain Development through Customer Research 2012 Document Tool The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) EN

De la participation des petits exploitants agricoles aux marchés semenciers en faveur des pauvres: l’économie politique des réseaux semenciers commerciaux au Ghana 2012 Document Case study Future Agricultures FR

Decent Rural Employment for Food Security: A Case for Action 2012 Document Discussion Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EN

Developing a Palm Oil Sector: the Experiences of Malaysia and Ghana Compared 2012 Document Case study Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) EN

Dried Beans in Ethiopia: Increasing Food Security through Trade 2012 Document Case study International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Sustainable Food Laboratory EN