Plateforme de Connaissances sur les Chaînes de Valeur Alimentaires Durables

Global knowledge-sharing event: “What Works in Youth Entrepreneurship?”, April 2017, Turin, Italy

24/04/2017 to 28/04/2017

This event, which takes place from 24 to 28 April 2017 in Turin, Italy, is organized through the ILO’s International Training Centre (ITC). The event will facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices in boosting entrepreneurship among young people, both at the policy level and in terms of practical tools and methodologies. The event will serve as an interactive forum where policy-makers and practitioners can exchange effective, replicable and scalable solutions for supporting young women and men in establishing and expanding their businesses. Starting with an analysis of barriers and incentives for young-people’s business start-ups, participants will be acquainted with strategies for promoting youth entrepreneurship through improvements in the business environment, access to finance, education in entrepreneurship, business development services and association building. The participation fee is EUR 2 180 and the deadline for applications is 15 April 2017. For more information visit the website.


Langue: English
