منصة المعرفة في منظمة الفاو بشأن سلاسل القيمة الغذائية المستدامة

OECD-FAO Guidance for responsible agricultural supply chains


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and FAO developed this guidance to help enterprises comply with existing standards for responsible business conduct along agricultural supply chains. The guidance comprises four sections: i) model enterprise policy, outlining the standards that enterprises should observe to build responsible agricultural supply chains; ii) a framework for risk-based due diligence describing the five steps that enterprises should follow to identify, assess, mitigate and report on work for addressing the adverse impacts of their activities; iii) a description of the major risks faced by enterprises, and measures for mitigating these risks; and iv) guidance on engaging with indigenous peoples. Download the guidance here

Language: English